Your business’ life cycle requires a unique approach to a give-back strategy. Depending on where your business is at on the spectrum of growth and scale- no matter the size- we have programs tailored to your social impact potential. 

Whether you are just getting started in the space of corporate philanthropy, have already begun individual giveback projects, or you are ready to build your own tax-exempt foundation within your company, we are here to help.

Our objective? Connecting conscious companies with vetted social causes through mission-aligned philanthropy. With rigorous analysis that gets at the heart of what you, your employees, and your customers care about, together we form a high-impact giving strategy. As a result, companies not only unlock their potential as an engine for social good, but also experience a competitive advantage as a stand-out business, an increase in employee and customer loyalty, and ultimately an improvement in their bottom line. 



  • We guide the selection process of defining a social problem that aligns powerfully with your company’s values, brand, and unique genius, and build the implementation model\

Impact measurement:

  • We design evaluation methodologies and assessment models to measure and communicate your impact

Outsourced Staffing:

  • Rather than hiring an in-house philanthropy team, we can function as part of your staff in attending key meetings, events, conferences, and delivering written and oral impact reports


  • We create marketing content to deliver and communicate social impact to your team, your customers, and other stakeholders 

Employee Engagement: 

  • Through our Givvapp platform, we gamify giving within your company, providing a way for your employees to join in your company’s giveback.

Impact Expeditions:

  • We run domestic and international executive and staff expeditions to project implementation locations to facilitate participation in the company’s impact efforts

Charitable Foundation:

  • Ready to make the jump? We can build the entirety of a company’s charitable foundation, to be handed over to your full-time staff on your timeline.
